Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Disappointing Experiences of the Psychic Expo

     Earlier today, Therese and I went to the Psychic Fair and Expo at Rochester's Main Street Armory.  What we hadn't anticipated was the thin band of protesters picketing outside, telling people the usual rhetoric about how we will all be going to hell. These people are absolute nutcases and I don't believe psychic abilities and experiences are somehow offensive to God. When we refused to take their pamphlets, they began to yell loudly through a megaphone about all the lies we'd find inside and how they were "only trying to give us the truth."
We may not know everything, but we know the "truths" they're selling. I don't even believe them to be true Christian beliefs because they preach hate.

 Anyway, they did deliver some good news via their signage..."Hell is FULL..."

     As we had expected, we paid $7 to enter a large room where various vendors had set up their mostly overpriced wares at makeshift shops made of folding picnic tables. Luckily, each of us were able to find good deals on a few things. We bought a few thin hematite rings and we each bought a pendulum. Mine is made of green aventurine otherwise known as 'indian jade.' It is the first pendulum I have ever owned, but definitely not the first I've used. Therese bought one made of rainbow fluorite. She has had pendulums before but needed a new one.

     For me, the pendulum is my prized piece for the day. For Therese, however, she was finally able to find a new tarot deck. For months, she's been looking to replace her tarot cards because she was missing a few from her deck, but she was unable to find the right deck. Today, she found her favorite deck, The Sacred Circle. This is great news for everyone reading this blog because it means Therese is again able to give readings. Anyone who wishes to get a reading please contact us via our e-mail.
I also do readings, but I am currently looking for a new tarot deck for myself. I have been using Therese's for quite awhile now. I will put up a new posting when I finally obtain the right deck again.

     We finished looking at all the tables with time to spare before the 'big event.' So,  we decided to leave for a little while and return for the 'main attraction', a seance. On our way out, the protesters continued their frantic heckling. Therese held her hand high in the air showing them the horns, or 'the sign of the beast' and it only caused them to yell louder. As we walked away, Therese called back to them that she would be happy to go to hell and it seemed to spook them a little. Of course, she doesn't really want to go to hell, but someone has to say something to them. I called back to them that simply being louder doesn't make one right. We walked away without even turning our heads back to acknowledge them.

     Forty minutes later, we rushed through the doors to the armory thinking we were running a minute late and half expecting to be interrupting an introduction which we thought may already have been in progress.  Instead, we entered into a semi-quiet place where people seemed only to be tearing down their tables and storing their wares. After a few minutes, we asked a lady sitting near the door who didn't seem like the right person since she had her own things to deal with, but she was the only one around who didn't seem busy. She pointed to two people in the back corner of the auditorium, the doorman and a blonde medium. She told us they were the ones arranging the seance, but that was all she knew, so we waited a little longer.

     At Therese's suggestion, we stepped out into the foyer to see if anyone had assembled for the seance. According to the advertisements, this was supposed to be a Guinness Book of World Records record setting attempt to host the World's Largest Seance inside the Main Street Armory in Rochester, NY. While I was distracted by pamphlets and things, Therese slipped away and asked the man who was supposedly in charge. She returned to inform me the seance had been cancelled. Both of us are extremely disappointed because that was the main reason we had attended the expo in the first place. We did find out about a Ghost Walk held at the armory which we plan to attend. Unfortunately, it's guided and so we will most likely be unable to try to obtain any real evidence of paranormal activity or to communicate with the spirits ourselves.

    Don't forget, Therese got her new tarot card deck! So, please contact us if you need a reading.

                                                                             America written.....Therese approved

  For weeks, the two of us had been looking forward to this and without it we most likely would have skipped the psychic fair entirely.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Alphabet Killer

     I heard years ago about the double intial murders, but I don't really remember when. The first time I really paid attention, I was on a JetBlue flight from JFK to Rochester after a summer in Russia.  I was flipping channels and came across a newsy program that mentioned Rochester, NY within a few seconds.  My ears perked up and I was hooked.  I was amazed by hearing the name of my hometown on a national broadcast. I would have watched no matter what the program was about. Since then, I have wondered how this crime has remained unsolved.

      A few years ago, I heard a movie about the murders was being filmed here in Rochester. I found out who to talk to and got a small part as an extra playing a perp in the RPD station. The experience was interesting, but I worked about 16 hours for $15. We all met Eliza Dushku and Carey Elwes(who seemed to have a VERY large ego.)   I remember the officer I was seating with for my fake questioning was very nice and funny; a very personable fellow. He was actually an RPD officer. The Rochester Police Department apparently did not actually want its' officers to openly participate in the filming and thus refused to give officers a day off to participate.  The RPD went so far as to say they did not want official police uniforms used in the filming of the Alphabet Killer, so officers were forced to roll down their collars and remove pins to conceal the RPD emblem.  A sergeant I met there told me he had been an extra in one of my favorite childhood films, Stand By Me. His father had been the one who set up the amazing long shots of the train and trainbridge for one of the biggest scenes in the movie. He had been an extra in the infamous Barf-O-Rama scene.

    Today, Therese and I went to the Sully Library.  It's been remodeled and stands within the new Thomas Ryan community center, closer to School #33 than before.  I checked out the fairly new Alphabet Killer book by Cheri L. Farnsworth.  We also checked the Winton Road branch for more information, but came up empty handed. When I began to read, I learned something very interesting.  The final victim, Michelle Maenza, dissappeared returning home from School #33.  I grew up in this neighborhood and found it odd to take out a book detailing her murder from the very spot she was last seen. It sends a small chill up my spine.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011


      Last week, Therese and I went to Valentown in Victor, NY.  Its proximity to Eastview Mall is deceiving because upon entering the building, one steps back to another time.  We did a preliminary investigation, meaning we took the tour and tried to become generally acquainted with the background of the building.  We spoke with the curator who was able to give us alot of information about the general history of the place, but had little knowledge of paranormal phenomena.

      Therese and I had each heard various stories of possible hauntings at Valentown and were hoping to verify the background stories, at least in part, during our initial visit.  We were unable to do so, but we did obtain names of other individuals who may have more information for us. 

      We were also hoping to be able to join  one of the many ghosthunts which have taken place at Valentown over the years.  Unfortunately, the museum has ceased  to allow the investigations.  Although it seems we will be unable to do an overnight investigation alone in the building, the curator has been kind enough to offer to come in while the museum would otherwise be closed in order to allow us access to the grounds for investigation while there are no other visitors present.  First, we need to do some further research.

       There were some important points we learned during our visit.  It seems that some stories were completely fabricated in order to bring more attention to the ghosthunts.  The problem is deciphering which ones may be true and which ones someone made up for profit. It is also important to note that the condition of the building is quite possibly the culprit of much of the so-called paranormal activity.  One may well hear their own footsteps echo behind them.  The old rotting floorboards creak as you walk across and may well shift objects in cabinets and upon table across a room.  Holes in some of the walls cast unexpected shadows which could be misinterpreted as some sort of spectre.

      This is not to say Valentown is not haunted.  Despite the obvious natural causes of some of the activity, we experienced a couple of odd occurrences during our visit.  Therese saw a woman in one of the rooms on the 2nd floor.  She said it was unlike anything she had seen before.  The apparition was black and white and appeared almost as if it were reflection in a mirror.

      Towards the end of our tour, the curator allowed us to go into the basement alone (due to her allergies.)  We were only down there a few minutes, taking a quick sweep of the setup and inventory of the various oddities being stored.  I wanted to be quick so we didn't make her nervous with us down there by ourselves.  When we began to head from the far wall back towards the staircase, the curator called down to ask if everything was OK.  I replied that everything was fine and she said she had heard singing.  Therese and I did not hear it. 

      We are still researching some of the background details of the property and plan to return to Valentown within a couple weeks.  If anyone has any information on the history of the building, or possible causes of the hauntings, or personal experiences there, please contact us at


Friday, June 3, 2011

White Lady's Castle

    I've been working hard on getting these legends written down into some kind of a real version.  Of late, it's been the story of White Lady's Castle.  It's a story I've heard a million times since I was a kid, so I thought it would be a great place to start.  Then I realized how many different versions there were and how many pieces might contradict one another.  I guess I knew this all along, but I only saw small discrepancies at first.

     As I began to write, I noticed how difficult it was to describe the scenes I saw in my head.  Not simply because I couldn't find the words, but because one detail would undermine the next.  I'm sure I've got it all sorted out now though.  The story has come together beautifully and it will only improve.  The Rochester legend of the White Lady's Caslte seems unique, but stories of white ladies are not uncommon.

     A white lady is a woman in mourning.  The reasons vary from the loss of a child to a young life taken too early.  Often, the ghost has committed suicide, but not always.  White ladies mainly appear in white dresses, but I imagine as times change, this will as well. 

    We were unable to go to Old Fort Niagara this week as planned, so we're trying to reschedule.  Therese is on tour with the Cheetah Whores right now.  She plays the lapsteel for anyone who didn't already know.  She'll be back in a few days and we'll get back to investigating,  In the meantime, I'll be fleshing out some of our other local legends we've already investigated.  Don't forget to check out the latest issue of Rochester Teenset Outsider to find a Mystic Seekers sticker.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our continuing journey

       Sorry for the long delay in posting.  There has been alot going on recently.  I've begun to flesh out some of the stories I've been researching.  So far, so good, I guess.  In other news, pick up the latest issue, #12 of Rochester Teen Set Outsider.  There is a Mystic Seekers sticker inside, along with countless other rad stickers.

      Roughly a week from now, Therese and I will be going to Old Fort Niagara, since it didn't work out last time.  We'll be researching the headless French soldier.  We will also be looking for additional information on William Henry Morgan.  There is a rumour his spirit is present in downtown Lewiston, NY.  There will be an update on this expedition as soon as we go, complete with special guest appearances.

     In other news, I just went on an amazing 2-week adventure.  Simultaneously, my amazing 'attorney' Therese encountered some perilous territory on her own journey right at home.  I am intentionally being vague, so as not to give away too much information, therefore eliminating any element of surprise.  These stories will be recounted in the next segment; before our trip to Old Fort Niagara. 

    Check back soon for the next installment of our journey to find ancient truths.  The past undoubtedly carries many of the keys to the future.  It is the interpretation of these truths which determines the following actions and consequential outcomes.  One must always keep an open mind; ever vigilant, not only to the differences, but more importantly to the similarities they share with all others. 


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Captain Morgan

      On Tuesday, Therese and I went to Batavia to research the Morgan murder.  We thought Batavia was small enough we would be able to find the cemetery with his monument without any trouble.  We had to call my dad who wrote an article awhile back about the murder to ask about where we might find the cemetery.  We drove around trying to figure out where the streets he mentioned were, which didn't take too long because although Batavia claims to be a city, it's very small. 

      Once Therese and I found the right streets, we pulled into a cemetery and began scanning the graveyard for a large monument we hoped would belong to William Morgan.  Unexpectedly, we didn't see any tall monuments.  We saw someone working near a pair mausoleums at the bottom of a small hill.  Noticing the man was a gravedigger, we hesitantly decided to ask if he knew where we could find the statue.  He spoke slowly; with a drawl reminiscent of the South.  He was slightly odd, like a character in a bad horror movie. 

      When Therese asked the gravedigger if he knew where Morgans statue was, he replied "We ain't got nothing like that 'roun 'ere."  We asked him if there were other cemeteries in town and he told us there were six or seven.  My dad had told me earlier in the afternoon that he thought there were only two and we were looking for the one we'd find in this area of town.  Not only were there more in this area, but one was directly nextdoor.  St. Joseph's and Elmwood cemeteries in Batavia share a common fence.  It would be easy to enitrely miss the detail that they are, in face, seperate cemeteries.

       The cemetery we were looking for was down the road a little further, just across the railroad tracks.  As we drove across the tracks, Morgans statue came into sight immediately.  It stands at the corner of the graveyard; a prominent monument in a not so prominent part of town.  It hardly seemed fitting for a man whose murder sparked anti-Freemason sentiment blazing across the country.  The already skeptical citizens of the United States and Canada because of the secrecy of the secret society was backed by hard evidence following the murder.

       After snapping a few photos, we decided to get something to eat at a place we had noticed driving by earlier, The Sport of Kings Restaurant.  We thought it would have some kind of chess theme, but we were highly dissappointed to find nothing chess related whatsoever.  There was not even a simple checkerboard/chessboard pattern to be found anywhere.  The sign and name were very misleading.

We went shopping at a few stores in the area just to check out bargains we might find at stores that were going out of business.  We bought a few craft supplies and more batteries for the camera, as well as a few other cheap items we found.  Then it was time to head home.  We thoguht we'd be able tog et home with enoguh daylight left to take a few photos at White Lady's Castle, but we didn't.

We made an accidental stop at the Tonawanda Seneca Nation Reservastion after we somehow ended up in Alabama,NY right on the road of the reservation.  We found a bunch of interesting trinkets there, but bought nothing.  I really want a pair of moccasins, but they're a little pricey.  The trip was a productive venture, but not quite what we had initially set out to do that day.  Batavia is a weird, small 'city.'  We may need to go back again for furhter research but I doubt it.  It seems all I really needed there were photos because the best resources I found on the Morgan murder are my own parents.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Moon

  Hello and happy Full Moon to all! So America pretty much told you the gist of what happened on our first mission.  So today I'm going tell you a little bit about what I do spiritually. I study alchemy as well as druidry and have been studying the occult for about 15 years now. Some may call me a witch or a gypsy. I make potions and also I read plams, tea leaves and tarot cards as well as past life regression.I am psychic medium and a seeker of truth. I have always been a medium even as a child. It use to be something very scary to me at that time. But now it's just life. .Sometimes, I see it as a curse but I know it was a gift. I enjoy helping people in need, a lot of my readings I do for free or sometimes for a pint at the bar. I use to read at Beale Street. I do most of my readings at home now or at the Bugjar. Today is very big day for me! Because I like to make most of my potions during the full moon. I believe it is a very spiritual time and it helps them work a little better. I have not yet mastered all my spells but I do get very good results. -Therese